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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 3 - Polar Bears

Welcome to the Polar Bears

Our class is taught by Miss Shearer with Mrs Ardron teaching on Thursdays. Mrs Hussain is our amazing, full time teaching assistant.


Please check this page for regular updates on your child's learning and for any photographs of what they may have been learning in school.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to any of the team in Polar Bears either in the morning or after school.


We look forward to working with you this year.


Miss Shearer, Mrs Hussain and Mrs Ardron.



Polar Bears will partake in two PE sessions a week, supported by our Sports Coach, Mr Ashraf. Our PE lessons take place on a Monday and Tuesday


I would advise that your child brings their P.E kit in at the start of a half term and takes it home at the end of a half term to be washed. This will ensure that your child will have their full P.E kit in school for the required days.


All children should have a purple t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps which should be brought into school inside a drawstring bag. If your child wears earrings, please ensure that they are removed before school or they may not be able to participate in P.E. Finally, please check that your child's clothing is labelled as things can easily get misplaced.

Year 3 visited Blackpool Zoo to learn more about the diet of different animals and how their skeletons help them to survive. We saw lots of different animals and even had the opportunity to hold some! Have a look at our photographs, we had a great time!

Year 3 Curriculum Map



Reading is the key to opening many exciting doors for your child.  It is essential to your child's progress in all subject areas that you listen to them read as much as possible and discuss the text with them. 


We will send home reading record books for you to sign and make comments. Please do this regularly so that your child can receive the KS2 Reader's Badge. Your child should be reading to you every night for approximately ten minutes before you spend five minutes discussing the text with them.


Please speak to a member of our team if you have any questions about how you can help your child progress in their reading.

Statutory spelling list year 3/4
