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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 2 - Rockets Class

Class Information - Class of 2024

Our class is taught by myself Monday-Thursday, and then Mr Evans on Fridays. Miss Bancroft is our fabulous, full time teaching assistant. Miss Bancroft is  also our very own welfare assistant and takes good care of your children at lunchtime.  Life in Year 2 is very busy and exciting and we look forward to working together with you this year. If you ever have any problems or concerns, please catch one of our team - the end of the day is better. School finishes at 3.30pm and you may pick your child up from behind the railings at the Y2 classroom door. Do  let us know if someone other than you is picking your child up, or whether your child is in After School Club.  Keep checking back on our page for important updates, or to see what exciting things we have been doing in class and check book bags regularly for letters. Look at the bottom of this page for photographs of us in action!

Mrs A Roberts

We send spellings home on Thursday afternoons, these will be tested the following THURSDAY. It is important to go through these with your child regularly at home. We always encourage children to aim for GREEN on their tests and to use the spellings correctly in their writing. In addition to spellings and daily reading, your child will also bring home number facts to learn for a test the following Thursday. Your child will bring their spelling test home after it has been marked for you to see. . 



Learning to read fluently is one of the most important things your child will ever do,
and being a great reader will open so many doors to them as they grow into young
adults. We cannot emphasise how important it is to read with your child daily and
discuss the text. Please sign your child’s reading diary indicating the book has been
read and make a comment on their reading – we check these each week and hope to
create a really positive partnership between home and school where a love of reading is
fostered and encouraged. 


Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. Our PE lessons will be on TUESDAY and FRIDAY this year.. Children wearing earrings in school on these days must have them removed, or they will not be able to take part. Long hair must be tied up everyday, but especially on PE days. It is also worth checking each half term that pumps still fit  and remember that we are only purple t shirts are to be worn. You are welcome to send in warm clothes for outdoor PE.  

Other useful information:
Please ensure all your child’s clothing is clearly labelled as things can easily get
misplaced. Your child will need a warm, waterproof coat and sensible shoes. Please
ensure your child has a named water bottle as we encourage children to keep hydrated
throughout the day. Fresh fruit is provided for all KS1 children during morning and
afternoon break and milk can be ordered directly from Cool Milk at


We thank-you for your continued support and are looking forward to making sure this year is a happy, enjoyable and successful year for your child.
We are looking forward to working together this year,
Kind regards
Mrs Roberts, Mr Evans and Miss Bancroft

Introducing our new School Ethos Councillor

Introducing our two Eco Warriors

Summer 2 Learning 2024

Summer 1 Learning 2024

Spring 2 Learning 2024

Spring 1 Learning 2024

Autumn 2 Learning 2023

These are the words we are working hard on in school.

Eid Celebrations

Our spelling and mental maths superstars this term

Visit from SMJ Falconry to launch our AMAZING BIRDS topic

Reading Superstars in Y2

AMAZING construction brought in from home.

Geography - looking at where our school lunches come from

Look at our moving fire engines in DT - thank you to Teddy's Mum for all the extra boxes.

Superstar Spellers and Mathematicians December 2023

Performing Poetry

Still image for this video
Each half term, we learn a poem. How lovely is this performance of an autumn one?

We followed instructions to make these lego models - can you tell what they are?

Say Cheese! Look at what one of our boys made at home - a real camera!

We are History Detectives! Ask your child about the clues we were investigating.

Science - We were learning how important it is to keep active

More Science - today we learnt how quickly germs spread. Ask your child the best way to stop this.

We learnt the story The Way Home For Wolf and performed it with some super actions. Ask your child all about it.

Map It Out! Check out our recent Art and Geography learning.
