Computing at St Paul's
The use of computers and computer systems is an integral part of the National Curriculum and knowing how they work is a key life skill. In an increasingly digital world there now exists a wealth of software, tools and technologies that can be used to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and create digital content. At St. Paul’s we recognise that pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced computing education with a structured, progressive, approach to the learning how computer systems work, the use of IT and the skills necessary to become digitally literate and participate fully in the modern world.
Curriculum Intent - It is our intent at St Paul's to:
· Provide a broad, balanced, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all pupils.
· Develop pupil’s computational thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
· Meet the requirements of the national curriculum programmes of study for computing at Key Stage 1 and 2
· To respond to new developments in technology
· To equip pupils with the confidence and skills to use digital tools and technologies throughout their lives.
· To enhance and enrich learning in other areas of the curriculum
· To help our children use computers and digital tools safely and responsibly, developing a digital resilience
· To safeguard and promote children’s welfare.
Implementation - We will implement the above by:
Impact. How will we assess and evidence progress?
What Impact does our scheme of work have on the pupils?
SEND children
We believe that all children have the right to access IT and computing. In order to ensure that children with special educational needs achieve to the best of their ability, it may be necessary to adapt the delivery of the computing curriculum for some pupils. We teach computing to all children, whatever their ability. Computing forms part of the national curriculum to provide a broad and balanced education for all children. Through the teaching of computing we provide opportunities that enable all pupils to make progress. We do this by setting suitable challenges and responding to each child’s individual needs. Where appropriate IT can be used to support SEN children on a one to one basis where children receive additional support.
Click on the link below to access our online platform 'Purple Mash'.
Your child will have their own login to gain access.
Click on the link below to take you to our Online Safeguarding section of the website