We follow the 2014 National Curriculum. Like Lancashire Education Authority, we call age related expectations at the end of the school year "Year * Secure" (eg Y5 Secure) and the higher level is called "Year * Greater Depth" (eg Y5 Greater Depth). The steps at Christmas and Easter are "entering" and "developing" -or "entering +" and "developing +" for the highest achieving children. Children achieving below expectations for their age are assessed according to the steps below their chronological age.
We assess children in years1, 3,4 and 5 using nationally recommended tests and according to the child's "everyday" work. Children in Year 2 and 6 are assessed in a similar way through the year and, of course, complete national statutory SATS at the end of the year. Year 1 children complete the national statutory phonics check at the end of the year.
In addition to assessing English and Maths, we assess all other subjects according to how the child has performed in class throughout the year, at the end of year in order to check that all children are progressing well in all areas.
Children who fall behind, or show signs of not reaching their full potential, are given additional small group/ individual help in order to accelerate their progress.
Assessment in the Early Years
On entry to Reception class in September, all children are currently assessed using a Baseline assessment, which is administered on a computer on a 1:1 basis. The results of this assessment are sent off to Durham and are standardised against other children of the same age nationally. Children are scored on basic Literacy and Numeracy skills with an average score being 100. This test is also administered at the end of the Reception year to show progress made during the year.
Throughout the year, children are assessed regularly through observations, which are collated in an individual learning journey.We use 'Development Matters' to assess the month bandings at which a child is working and also comment on ways in which children learn - 'Characteristics of Effective Learning' .
At the end of the Reception Year, we use the 'Early Year's Foundation Stage Profile' (EYFSP) to record each child's achievement. Children are given a score for each of the 17 area's of learning 1=emerging, 2=expected and 3=exceeding.
Children who score '2's' in their EYFSP, are likely to reach expected standards at the end of Key Stage One.