St Paul's offers a great deal. We have the most fantastic facilities on our site, and I am proud to say that staff are extremely hard-working and committed, going the "extra mile" for our children resulting in happy, well-behaved children and high educational standards. The Christian ethos is central to everything that we do.
So what does St Paul's expect of pupils and parents?
It's important that parents understand that we are a Christian school, even if they worship in another faith or are of no faith.
It's also important for parents to note that we have high expectations of children in terms of behaviour and effort and that we expect good support from parents, with whom we foster good relationships and provide much support. We expect parents to work well with us, being respectful and co-operating positively with staff, supporting good standards of behaviour, bringing children to school on time every day, and supporting their child's education by reading with their child at home, and doing simple homework such as learning number facts or learning spellings. We make no apologies for being quite traditional in that we expect good behaviour and hard work from our children and we expect parents to share our expectations if they wish their child to have a place in our heavily oversubscribed school.
If you think that St Paul's sounds like the right school for your child, feel free to get in touch for a chat and a look around.
Here are the school’s admission arrangements for September 2025.
If anyone wishes to make a comment, then they should contact the Chair of Governors (Mr. R. Marsden) via school.
Please click on the link below to apply online for a Reception school place for your child.
The deadline for applying for a Primary School place is 15th January 2025.
Parents must complete the Local Authority application form online, stating three preferences. Parents who wish their application to St Paul’s to be considered against the faith criteria must also complete the school’s SIF - Supplementary Information Form. If the school is oversubscribed, a failure to complete the supplementary information form may result in your application for a place at St Paul’s being considered against lower priority criteria as the Governing Body will have no information upon which to assess any faith criteria.
The SIF (Supplementary Information Form) is available from the school admin office or from the Admission Arrangements below and should be completed and handed into the school admin office before the 15th January 2025.
If you have any admissions enquiries please email
Click on the document links below to view the school’s admission arrangements.
If your child is of compulsory school age and you would like to apply for a place at St. Paul's CE Primary School, please complete the forms below and return them to St. Paul's CE Primary School Office. If we are unable to offer a school place to your child at the time of applying, we will send you a letter explaining that this is the case. We will keep you child's application in reserve in case a place does become available, at which time we will apply our admissions criteria to applications on the reserve list. The letter will also contain information relating to your right to appeal. All forms are also available from St Paul's School Office. If you need any help please call us on 01282 617035.
Follow this link to find out about our school's admission arrangements through the local authority