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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 1 - Seahorses

🐠Welcome to the Seahorses

Year 1 Class Page.🐠


The teacher in Seahorses is Mrs Jeffery and our teaching assistant is Miss Clark. Mrs Schofield teaches the class on a Thursday morning.


Seahorses and Starfish classes are both year 1 and work very closely together, so why not check out the Starfish page too!


To find out what we will be doing this year please look at our curriculum map.




Useful websites will be added to this page along with photographs of our work in and around our classroom. Most class information will be passed on via the school app.

In Seahorses we have a spelling test on a Friday. When your child has practiced their spellings at home please send in the completed spelling sheet on Friday and your child will receive a DOJO. Extra practice leads to extra Dojos!🌟🌟


We also have a maths quiz each week. At the moment the quiz is on number bonds to 10 and for some children 20. Soon we will be thinking about doubles and halves.

SPELLING SHEETS TO PRACTICE : If you bring back your completed sheet on FRIDAY you will get a dojo!


Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday. It is best to keep P.E. kit in school everyday. If your child wears earrings please take them out before school on these days. Thank you. πŸƒπŸΎ‍β™‚οΈπŸƒπŸ»‍♀️


On this site you can access books for your child to read.

seahorses01  Password Oscar
starfish01       Password Ocean).



Here are some useful websites you can use to help your child at home.

Here are some songs for you to join in with from Fischy Music. We already sing some of their songs at school. Hope you enjoy them!

We had a super day at Beach School even though we got a bit wet! Thank you to all our grown us for getting us so well prepared with our wellies.

We were beach detectives and found some amazing things like a huge whelk shell and a shark's egg case. We caught shrimps, crabs and little fish too!

You may have heard we have been hatching chicks. The children watched them hatch and thought it was amazing.

We had a great time during our Eid Celebrations and all looked fantastic!

We enjoyed being Spring Detectives and looking for examples for new life!

We have been learning the story of The Three Little Pigs ready to plan a story of our own. We did a fantastic job of retelling the story through our puppet shows!

We have had a great last week of term and we wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.

We arrived back from our Christmas Party to find huge white footprints and a sack full of gifts!!

We really enjoyed putting on our Nativity Play and we were amazing!

We have been learning about line in Art. We made a class piece of art and called it Patterns!

We had a super surprise this half term. We have won the Attendance Award! Thank you to all our adults for getting us to school every day!

We enjoyed designing, making, eating and evaluating our fruit/vegetable salads.

We have been learning about Harvest. We also learned about how Jewish people celebrate Harvest and we decorated a Sukkah.

We had a great time exploring in Forest School. We were looking for signs of the beginning of Autumn.

We enjoyed finding out about where the food we eat comes from.

A small door appeared in our classroom and we were very excited to discover it belongs to Harry the Mouse!

We have had a super start to the new school year. All the Seahorses have been absolutely amazing! πŸ’«πŸ’«

Today we listened and joined in with the story ‘Monkey Puzzle’. After that we made some animal masks! Don’t we look fantastic?✨
