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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'


Introduction to the subject leader

My name is Mrs Wood (headteacher) and I am currently History subject leader. I'm really pleased about this because I absolutely love history. I can remember learning about Victorian working children at school when I was 9 years old (a long time ago!) and I've been hooked on history ever since! Children at school know that I'm an avid reader, but they might not all know that it's historical fiction which I mostly read, mainly from the Dark Ages up to medieval or even Tudor times. I love history and I know that, at St Paul's, we study some great topics!

This page will keep being added to so watch out for the policy, long term plan and lots of other information in the next few weeks!

How we teach history at St Paul's

History is "blocked" into topics so that links with other areas of the curriculum can be made. During any half term, either history of geography is likely to be taught. We usually cover one or the other in any half term. The curriculum may be organised slightly differently in EYFS. 

We follow Lancashire Education Authority's "Key Learning" objective documents as well as National Curriculum to ensure that the progression through historical objectives and concepts is thorough and sequential. The historical concepts which we have elected to teach through our curriculum have been carefully selected to reflect the needs and interests of our children and we have selected them with the support of a Lancashire Education Authority History Consultant.

History policy - updated Dec 24 and pending final ratification from governors

Year 5 experiencing a Victorian Christmas at Gawthorpe Hall

Y3 had a Roman soldier visiting!
