Year 4 Oaks
Welcome to the Year 4 Oaks class page!
The Year 4 Oaks class is taught by Mrs Thomas and our teaching assistant is Miss Williams.
Mrs Lewer teaches the children on Wednesday mornings.
Mr Ashraf teaches PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Reading books are sent home each week.
Children should be reading their book daily with an adult and answering questions about their book such as:
Who are the main characters?
What has happened in the story so far?
What do you think will happen next?
How do you think the characters are feeling?
How is this book similar or different from other books you have read?
Please give a comment and sign your child's reading diary each week.
Homework will be given every Friday. Pupils will have spellings and times tables to practise at home.
Spelling and maths tests will be given every Friday and results will be sent home.
Click the link below to access TT Rockstars.
We have weekly Oaks vs. Maples tournaments which pupils can play and win certificates for every week.
Times Tables Rock Stars (