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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'


Letter to parents from COG January 2024

Welcome to our Governors’ Page

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.  


Attendance at Governing body meetings is measured over the last 12 months from September to September.  Out of a possible 6 regular meetings each year i.e. 3 full governing body meetings and 3 committee meetings, each meeting is equal to 17% attendance (rounded up from 16.66%).  Governors may also be required to attend additional / extra meetings over the course of the year.

For information we have provided the Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues.



Mr Rod Marsden- Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor (appointed October 2023-October 2027 ) 83% attendance


Mrs Julie Wood- Head teacher (appointed September 2019. 100% attendance), PE, History


Mr William Seed- Foundation Governor (appointed August 2023-August 2027. 100% attendance), safeguarding, health and safety


Mrs Michele Cregg- Staff Governor (appointed July 2023 - July 2027. 100% attendance)

Mother is Governor Patricia Oates


Mr Mark Robinson- LEA Governor (appointed November 2022 - November 2026. 83% attendance)

Spouse is School Business Manager Kay Robinson, Assessment, Literacy


Mrs Lee Johnson- Foundation Governor (appointed November 2022 - November 2026. 17%) attendance) 


Mrs Jean Shephard- Foundation Governor (appointed July 2024 - July 2030)


Mrs Patricia Oates- Foundation Governor (appointed July 2021 - July 2025.  100% attendance)

Daughter is EYFS Teacher/Deputy Headteacher/Staff Governor Michele Cregg


Mr Mashuq Hussain - Parent Governor (appointed October 2022-October 2026) 50% attendance


Mrs Nadia Tabassum -  Parent Governor (appointed October 2022-October 2026)  83% attendance, SEND


Revd. Guy Jamieson- Vicar (November 2020 - November 2024) - 100% attendance), RE


Mr Ben Rushton- foundation governor (January 2024 - January 2028) -100% attendance,  Maths



Please note - As of the governing body meeting on 29/06/2022 and with regard to the 'Register of Business Interests', there are no Governors who have declared an interest in or connection to school.



As an Anglican school within the Blackburn Diocese Board of Education, the majority of our governors are of the Christian faith. Our two parent governors are practising Muslims.




We have three governor committees which meet termly (Standards & Effectiveness, Resources, Curriculum), before the Full Governing Board Meetings. The Pay and Appraisal Committees meet once yearly.


Standards and Effectiveness Committee: Mr Robinson (Chair), Mr Seed, Mr Marsden, Mrs Cregg, Mrs Wood


Resources Committee: Mr Robinson (Chair), Mr Hussain, Mr Seed, Mrs Wood, Mr Rushton


Curriculum Committee: Mr Marsden (Chair), Mrs Cregg, Rev Jamieson, Mrs Oates, Mrs Tabassum, Mrs Wood


Pay Committee: Mr Marsden (Chair), Rev Jamieson, Mrs Tabassum


Appraisal Committee: Mr Seed (Chair), Mr Robinson, Mrs Oates
