Home Page

St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 5 - Jaguars


Welcome to the Jaguars' class page for 2024-25!

Thank you for visiting our page and please do keep checking back with us as you will find lots of news about how our class is getting along throughout the year.


Staff Members

Mrs Schofield- Class teacher

Mrs Naveed - Class teaching assistant

Mrs Wood- Class teacher/headteacher (Wednesday afternoon PPA cover)

Mr Ashraf - PE coach



PE Lessons

PE lessons are Wednesday and Friday. Please remember to have your kit in school at all times. The following items are expected:

Indoor kit

  • Purple t-shirt
  • black shorts
  • black pumps

Outdoor kit

  • purple t-shirt
  • black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • purple or black sweatshirt
  • trainers suitable for exercise and use on the playground as well as on grass


The school policy states that all jewellery should be removed. Plasters are not allowed to cover earrings, they must be removed. Religious symbols are also not allowed to be worn during PE lessons for health and safety reasons.  Please can we ask for kit to be named.


Water Bottles

Individual water bottles should be brought to school and taken home daily for cleaning and refilling.  It is scientifically proven that children and adults function better when hydrated, enabling great learning. School cannot supply single use plastic cups to children without water bottles, please ensure your child brings this daily.


Homework Information


The pupils will be given 3 pieces of homework per week.

1. Reading: This is the most important skill that your child can learn. Reading fluently and for enjoyment opens many doors both in their childhood and adult lives. Pupils should bring their reading book to school and home again everyday. They are expected to read a minimum of 10 minutes each day. Pupils who do not reach this target will be asked to catch this time up during school. 

2. Multiplication facts practice: Each pupil has been provided with a login to the TTRockstar website. This is a fun way to practice multiplication facts. This should also be done regularly to increase fluency and speed of recall for each of the facts. The curriculum expectation at Y5 is that pupils will be able to instantly recall all multiplication and related division facts to 12x12.

3. Spellings: The pupils will bring home a sheet each Friday and this will also be available below. This should be returned each Friday completed.  Spelling tests will take place each Friday morning. 



Thank you for your support!

Maths Support For Parents and Pupils

Y5 pupils should aim to know their times table facts with instant recall.

Science Support for Pupils and Parents
