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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

St Paul's Church

Welcome to the parish of Nelson Little Marsden. This is the home of two church communities, St Paul`s on the corner of Halifax and Hibson Road, and St Mary`s, which now meets in the Whitefield Centre on Maurice Street, Nelson.
St Pauls has a sung Mass on Sunday at 1015am and a said Mass on Tuesday's at 7pm
St Mary's has a sung Mass on Wednesday's at 10am.
Our work with children, young people and their families has now been transferred to weekdays. Please look out for dates and times. 
The Incumbent (Vicar) of the parish is Fr Guy Jamieson who can be contacted on or 07983678356
Please contact Fr Guy for all pastoral and liturgical enquiries.
Our Church Wardens are Barbara Mason (01282-692191) and Jeniene Maguire.

Up Coming Events


Shrove Tuesday 13th February 6pm young@heart gathering - All Welcome

Ash Wednesday 10am St Mary`s & 7pm St Paul`s (full Sung Mass with ashing)

Friday 23rd February 6pm Beacon Mass (youngsters & enquirers celebration)

Saturday 2nd March 10am Beacon Centre (Maurice Street) Coffee Morning

Thursday 7th March School visit to Church

Sunday 10th March 10.15am Mothering Sunday - All Welcome

Sunday 24th 10.15am Palm Sunday

Thursday 28th Maundy 6pm "The Greatest Three Days" - a youngster`s and family gathering to explore and celebrate the events of Holy Week.

Sunday 31st 10.15am Easter Morning - All Welcome.


