Welcome to Year Two Astronauts
Our class is taught by Mrs Moody with Mrs Goulty teaching us on Fridays. Mrs McKenna is our amazing, full time class teaching assistant. Mrs McKenna also looks after your children at lunch time. Mr Ashraf is our fantastic P.E teaching assistant and Mrs Saleem supports some of our children too.
Keep checking this page for updates on your child's learning and lots of photographs to show you what they have been learning.
If you have any problems or concerns please speak to one of our members of staff either when dropping your child off or picking them up.
We look forward to working with you this year.
Mrs Moody, Mrs Goulty and Mrs McKenna
Below are some general reminders and some information that will be of use during the year.
We are starting Red Rose Spellings this half term in Year 2 so we will not be sending spellings home for the first half term. During this period, please help your child to learn the Common Exception Words for Year 1 and 2. In addition to spellings at home and daily reading, your child will also bring home number facts to learn for a test on Thursdays. Your child will bring their spelling test home after it has been marked for you to see.
We cannot emphasise how important it is to read with your child daily and discuss the text. We ask you to do this little and often and recommend ten minutes a night. Your child's reading book will be changed once a week. Please ensure the book is brought to school every day.
Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. Our PE lessons will be on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons this year, although these times are sometimes subject to change at short notice. Children wearing earrings in school on these days must be able to remove them independently or they will not be able to take part. Please also ensure children with long hair have it tied up for these days.
Other useful information
Please ensure all your child’s clothing is clearly labelled as things can easily get misplaced. Please ensure your child wears a warm, waterproof coat and sensible shoes. Fresh fruit is provided for all KS1 children during morning break.
We thank-you for your continued support and will do our best to make sure this year is a happy, enjoyable and successful year for your child as they move through Year 2. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to pop in at the end of the school day or leave a message via the school office.
Mrs Moody & Mrs Goulty
Below are some useful websites you may want to use at home with your child to support their learning.