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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

School Council

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community. Children from Year 2-6 are invited to stand as representatives and all are democratically voted on to our council. During the last academic year (2018-19), we worked hard to develop and promote 'Pupil Voice' . We were part of the recruitment and interview process for our new Headteacher, Mrs Wood and worked with Father Guy to raise money for the TARIRO community. This academic year, our focus will be on instilling our new school values and developing our Pupil Voice in line with these. We will also look to strengthen our links with the TARIRO.

Meet St Paul`s School Council for the 2019-20 academic year.

Elections have been held in every class from Y2 - Y6. All candidates presented their applications to their classes and secret votes were held. The winners were announced in our Golden Book assembly on Friday 18th October. Well done to the following children who will form our School Council for the school year 2019-20. 


Summer, George, Alisha and Maria are representing Y2 and KS1.

Harrison, Aroosh, Millie And Alex are our Y3/4 representatives.

Landon, Tilly, Jayden, Hadeed, Zohaib and Ammarah will represent Upper KS2.


Well done to all, and thank you to everyone who put themselves forward as a candidate. Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th November.

School Councillors Wanted
