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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'


Welcome To The Mathematics Page

My name is Mrs. Ashworth and I am the subject leader for mathematics. I am passionate about numeracy and ensuring that the pupils at St Paul's gain the confidence and skills to be able to use mathematics in the wider world. As it states in the national curriculum aim for mathematics, this subject is essential for most careers and for our pupils to become confident, successful adults. For them to achieve their goals in life, they must become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, they must have the determination and perseverance to tackle problem solving and they must be able to apply mathematics to suitable situations in their real life.

Mathematical knowledge is used in many areas of the curriculum: science, music, physical education, geography and history are some examples. Pupils will be encouraged to use prior knowledge and skills to increase their mathematical ability and tackle mathematics challenges independently.

As a school, we follow the Red Rose Mastery Mathematics scheme. We are also part of the Maths Hub to ensure that we have high expectations for our pupils and are providing the best mathematics learning possible.

Below you will find a number of documents that will give you lots of information about what our pupils will be learning throughout the school year. The mathematical expectations for each year group are shown below and our calculations policies are included so that parents can see what methods are being taught in school and how they progress from EYFS to Y6.

St Paul's whole school curriculum map for mathematics

St Paul's Maths policy

Below are links to mathematics webpages and games that are the teachers' favourites. Your child should be familiar with most of them. 

Key Documents For Parents and Carers
