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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Our Christian Ethos


St Paul's is a Christian school and we take our Christian faith very seriously. Please read our Mission and Vision statement which underpins everything which we do in school.

St Paul's Mission and Vision

This is our school Bible verse. It helps us to remember that God constantly loves us and this helps us to show love to others through our values.

Our School Bible verse can also be found in our Outdoor Prayer Space.

This Bible verse can be found in our Outdoor Prayer Space.

Love God, love ourselves,

love others, love learning.

Our school values are really important to us. Our Christian values are: LOVE, JOY, PERSEVERANCE, FORGIVENESS, JUSTICE, HOPE, RESPECT. We consider other people who display that value and how we can apply the value to our own lives.

Church Links

We have very close links with St Paul's Church which is just down the road from our school. Reverend Guy, vicar at St Paul's, is on our Board of Governors and he is a regular visitor to school. 


Many of our governors attend St Paul's Church, and they support us really well. St Paul's church is definitely part of our family!

We hope all is well with you and your families.  We regularly pray for our school, our community, our country and our world. A small group of staff  meet each week to pray for our school and community. Children can put prayer requests into the prayer box on the worship table and staff will pray for those situations.

If families would like us to pray for specific situations please contact us and we will include your requests in our prayer time.



'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ Joshua 1 verse 9

Over the last few years our Ethos Encouragers have been really busy. They continue now as School Ethos Councillors to work with Mrs Jeffery and Mrs Wood to plan our worship and discuss other ideas which will help develop further our school ethos and share our ethos with our community.


Our very first group of Ethos Encouragers met together to decide which Bible stories would best illustrate our values.


The resulting paintings are stunning!

Our first Ethos Encouragers hard at work!

We had an amazing time watching Mrs Hurst paint these pictures. We hope you get as much pleasure out of them as we do.

These paintings can be found in our library area. Look out for them when you are next in school.

Another team of Ethos Encouragers continued the fabulous work and suggested we should have a forgiveness bench in school. They explained that this would be a place where children could go and talk and then forgive each other.

The Key Stage 2 children came up with some amazing designs which were sent to Ursula Hurst @artdaze.


Here are just a few of the children’s fantastic designs!

The Ethos Encouragers met with Mrs Hurst and discussed the final design.

The finished bench! We think it is amazing, thank you Mrs Hurst. The children have decided that the bench will move to a different playground every two weeks. It is the job of our Y6 School Ethos Councillors to speak to our Site Supervisor.

If you or your child have any ideas to support our worship and ethos please ask your child to let their Ethos Councillor know.

This beautiful silk painting was created by our Key Stage 1 children during our last Art and Spirituality week. It is now displayed in our studio hall.

Welcome to our hall.

At St. Paul's we feel that our Worship (Assembly) times are vitally important. During these times of stories, music, reflection and prayer we feel encouraged and strengthened for the day and week ahead.

We would encourage you to ask your children what we have been learning and praying about in worship. There are some ideas below from our worship which you could share with your child. 


We continue to have a number of visitors in school to lead our worship and assemblies. This Year we have enjoyed welcoming Bishop Philip, Rev Guy, Mr Marsden, James Booth, Pastor Ed, Ruth Humphreys and Imran Kotwal.

Last year we enjoyed welcoming a number of visitors to school to lead our worship. It was always exciting to hear what they had to share with us.

We have welcomed the PAIS Team, James Booth, Pastor Ed, Ruth Humphreys, Lisa Fenton from Blackburn Diocese and Pendle Armed Forces Support to speak to us about Remembrance Day. Thank you so much to all those people for sharing with us. We look forward to seeing some of them again very soon. 

Pastor Ed

  Our value of Love. We want all our children to know that they are loved by God and that they can demonstrate love to others. We also encourage them to develop a love of learning.

We absolutely loved welcoming representatives of the Bethany Family into school. They had some amazing stories to share!

Thank you to everyone who showed love to our community by donating food to be given to a local food bank as part of our Harvest Celebrations.

Enjoy sharing in some of our school worship.

Our outdoor prayer space is constantly developing.

The Prayer Shelter looks out over Pendle Hill an amazing view and an inspirational place to pray. The staff even use it for their after school prayer meeting weather permitting!

Our painted stones are quite thought provoking. How many of each of our school values can you spot?

Year 1 were busy during one of our Art weeks. They had been learning about the story of Creation and decorated some CD’s to help us retell the story. We have put them in our Outdoor Prayer Space.

Mrs Wood uses this Irish Blessing during our Leavers' Service.

During the pandemic we were unable to have our usual Leavers’ Service in the hall. We did however all still meet together socially distant on the Key Stage 2 yard with parents joining us on the outskirts of the playground too!

(At least it was warmer than when we did this at Christmas and Easter!)


Our Year 6 children then walked around the outside of school whilst each class came out to wave them goodbye! This has now become a St. Paul's tradition!

One Christmas our KS2 children created the Christmas Story on their classroom windows. The children walked round and looked at the windows whilst retelling the Christmas story mostly in rhyme.

This was part of our worship in May. If you want to find out more about why this picture was in our worship, open the PDF.

Lisa who works for Blackburn diocese and is a friend of our school has also produced a worship resource.

It is called Off the Shelf and can be found on the Blackburn Diocese Board of Education page of youtube.


Bishop Philip who visited school has also made some videos for schools. Follow this link to see this clip about Lent.

A while ago we had the pleasure of welcoming Paul Whitaker (a deaf musician) into school. He came to share with us about perseverance and was an inspiration to both children and staff.

He taught us how to sign a very moving song all about perseverance.

We also used our creative skills during one of our Art and Spirituality weeks. We designed and made some amazing, thought provoking pieces of work.

Praying for peace in Israel and Palestine in worship
