During the Autumn Term 1, we have been settling into our new classroom, getting to know our teachers and making new friends.
We have also been learning about ourselves and our families and have read the books Colour Monster, The Biggest Bed in the World and In Every house on Every street.
We have been talking about our feelings and finding different ways to express how we feel and what we can do about feelings that we don't like.
In Autumn Term 2, we are learning about 'Colours of Autumn'. We are reading The Leafman, The Little Acorn and looking at Autumn Poetry.
We will also be learning about the Christian celebration of Christmas and performing our annual Nativity play.
During the Spring Term, we will be learning all about Traditional tales, focusing on Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man.
In Spring Term 2, our topic is 'On the Move'. We will be reading the books 'Naughty Bus' and 'Rattletrap Car'
In Summer Term 1, we will be learning about living things, including: sunflowers, caterpillars, butterflies and ladybirds.
In Summer Term 2, we are learning about Superheroes.
Our Big Question is - 'Can anyone be a Superhero?'
We are learning about real life Superheroes and will be exploring the texts: 'Supertato adventures' and 'Superworm'