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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

School's Role

Mrs Cregg is the Online Safeguarding lead.


At St Paul's, we take online safety very seriously and we have robust monitoring systems in place to ensure that any online safety concerns in school are flagged up immediately.


Our Internet provider - Talk Straight, monitor the online activity of all staff and pupils and any concerns are dealt with swiftly. We are able to pinpoint any unsafe or inappropriate activity to the individual user and appropriate action is taken to ensure that the matter is resolved as soon as possible. Parents will be informed if deemed necessary and preventative action will be taken to ensure that any further risks are averted.


It is of paramount importance that parents take steps to protect children from online safeguarding issues at home, so that we can work in partnership.


Here at St Paul's, we recognise online safety as a safeguarding issue and take it very seriously. It is our job, as educators, to ensure that our pupils are equipped with the skills and knowledge that are needed in our ever changing technological world.


  • We aim to arm pupils with the skills to access life long learning and employment opportunities.
  • Our current Computing scheme of work, provides pupils with opportunities to explore the many ways in which technology can enhance our lives and open up new ways of communication.
  • Pupils are taught how to locate, retrieve and exchange information using a variety of web based resources and digital equipment. 
  • In order to maintain a safe, digital environment, school internet access is designed specifically for pupil use, with appropriate filters in place.
  • School will take all reasonable precautions to prevent access to inappropriate material. However, due to the international scale and advances in technology, it is not possible to ensure that unsuitable material will never appear on a school device. Should this happen, any inappropriate content will be reported to our internet provider immediately.
  • Pupils are given clear instructions for Internet use and are taught about acceptable usage. 
  • Pupils are educated in the effective use of internet research and are taught to be critically aware of information that they have found. They are encouraged to question, analyse and validate information before accepting its accuracy.
  • Pupils are taught about both the benefits and the dangers of Social Media. They are taught never to divulge any personal details of any kind, that may identify themselves, other pupils, their school or location. This includes not using personal photographs or videos.
  • Pupils are regularly made aware of the age restrictions on Social networking sites and are encouraged to adhere to these.