Pupil Premium Information – updated May 2024.
What is the Pupil Premium and how do we spend it?
Pupil Premium is funding in addition to the school’s budget and depends on the number of “looked after” children (children in care) in school as well as those who have registered for ‘free school meals’. Schools are free to decide how to spend this money to support the pupils that it’s allocated to.
Some pupil premium children need to catch up academically, some need social and emotional support - and some pupil premium children achieve very well and we offer other support in the form of opportunities which their parents might not otherwise be able to afford. We subsidise or provide free music tuition and we subsidise educational visits for Pupil Premium children. We also provide an excellent opportunity for our Pupil Premium children in Y5/6 who have the potential to achieve the higher standard in that we fund out-of-school tuition through Kip McGrath. The aim of this tuition is to further extend our Pupil Premium children to meet the higher standard, or to give them the chance to practise grammar school entrance exams, which is an opportunity we cannot provide within the normal school day. This is an opportunity which parents very much appreciate.
Our pupil premium children data for 2023 compares very positively with the national picture - but we still want more for our children! Our KS2 pupil premium data is above the national picture for Pupil Premium children achieving age related expectations in Reading, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling and Maths and is above for Pupil Premium children achieving the higher standard in Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. We would like to raise standards further in writing and science.
How will we measure the impact of our work with pupil premium children this year?
We will check children's levels of attainment termly, monitor progress through ongoing teacher assessment and our pupil and family support staff, Special Needs Co-ordinator and teaching staff regularly feed back to the headteacher informally and during termly pupil progress meetings. Our school tracker also tracks pupil premium children as a group. Of course SATS data in the summer is our final measure once things are back to normal post-pandemic.
Our pupil premium strategy is reviewed every year in the autumn term.