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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 1 - Starfish

Welcome to the Starfish Class


Welcome to the Year 1 Starfish Class! I am Miss McNeill and I am the class teacher. We also have Miss Jabeen working with us as our Teaching Assistant. We are going to have lots of fun this year learning new and exciting topics and we can't wait to watch the children progress and blossom with their learning in Year 1. 



If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to come and see me.


Miss McNeill



As I am sure you are aware, reading is the key to opening many successful and exciting doors for your child.

Please listen to your child read for 10 minutes every night to help them progress with their reading. 


Please sign your child's reading diary when you listen to them read. Your child will have a reading day at school and we will check their reading record. We will also know if your child has finished their book at home if it is signed.


How do I pronounce the sounds in my child's reading book?

Take a look at the video from Oxford Owl for help with the pronunciation of sounds.

Click here to view a super video, sharing the correct pronunciation of sounds.


We are reading...


Julia Donaldson Stories.


It would be amazing if you could count with your children on a daily basis. You could make it part of your morning routine whilst travelling to school or even whilst making breakfast!


We will be learning number bonds to 10 and 20 in year one and it would really benefit your child if you helped them to practise these at home. 


We will also be learning our 2x, 5x and 10x tables throughout the year!




In Starfish we have a spelling test on a Friday. When your child has practiced their spellings at home please send in the completed spelling sheet on Friday and your child will receive a DOJO. Extra practice leads to extra Dojos!🌟🌟


We also have a maths quiz each week. To begin with the quiz will be on number bonds to 10. We will let you know when we will start doing this quiz.



PE lessons are taught by Mr Ashraf and/or Miss McNeill on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure all uniform and PE kit items are CLEARLY LABELLED. Thank you smiley
