Home Page

St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 4 - Maples

Welcome to the Maple Class Page!



Class teachers:

Mr Drury

Mrs Lewer- Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings


Teaching Assistants:

Miss Andrews 

Miss Williams




Here are some amazing examples of our torches that we built in DT!

Important information

PE- Thursday and Friday mornings

Spellings- Don't forget to learn your weekly spellings and these are tested on Friday.

Reading- Children should be reading daily with an adult.  In school, we have individual reading in class and guided reading sessions with the staff. Important questions that can enhance the children's reading include:



Who are the main characters?

What has happened so far?

What do you think will happen next?

How do you think the characters are feeling?

How is this book similar or different from other books you have read?


Class rewards

Class raffle tickets- Raffle tickets to be given for amazing and outstanding work and behaviour and prizes will be won on Friday afternoons! 

Table points- Children can also earn table points for exemplary behaviour and teamwork and new Table Leaders will be decided on Fridays.


Times tables rockstars

Follow the link below and enjoy the competition whilst learning your times tables: 


Join in the class competitions and earn certificates for participation!


In Year 4, it is really important the children can practise their times tables as much as possible. This will not only help them in their Maths lessons, but they will also be tested on their times table knowledge in Summer. 

Useful Links:


Times Table Rockstar: 

Times tables :

Hit the Button Maths Games:


