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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Year 4 - Maples

Welcome to the Maple Class 



The Year 4 Maple Class is taught by myself Mrs Felters and Mr Evans on a Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday. Mrs Simms is also part of our class team.

If you have any concerns please let one of us know so that we can work together to resolve any problems. 




Important information

PE- Wednesday and Friday.

Please ensure your child can remove their earrings for the lesson or take them out at home.

Spellings and Maths Homework

This will be given out on a Friday and must be returned the following Friday. Results will be given out on a Monday.

Please ensure your child also learns the spelling rule as well as the actual words as this will improve their overall ability to spell.


Children in Year 4 must still read with an adult at home daily for at least 10 minutes. Please make sure their reading record are completed so that we are aware of any issues.

Reading books need to be brought to school every day.



Times Tables Rockstars

Follow the link below and enjoy the competition whilst learning your times tables: 


Join in the class competitions and earn certificates for participation!


In Year 4, it is really important the children can practise their times tables as much as possible. This will not only help them in their Maths lessons, but they will also be tested on their times table knowledge in Summer. 

Useful Links:


Times Table Rockstar: 

Times tables :

Hit the Button Maths Games:


