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St Paul's Church of EnglandPrimary School

'Love God, Love Ourselves, Love Others, Love Learning'

Bethany Fundraising Thank You Letter

     The Bethany Family


   6th October 2024

Dear Mrs Wood, Staff and Children,


Thank you for your very generous donation of £1,050.20 in support of the Bethany Family in Tanzania. I enclose a receipt.


I understand the children tried their very best as they took part in a running event which was sponsored by their friends and family. 


Emmakulatha, headteacher of the Bethany Pre-Primary School, wrote recently to say how important your continued support is. This is what she said.


“I am so thankful for all the support you are giving to Bethany; I just wish you could see how you are helping to transform the lives of these young people; it is amazing to see how far they have come and what they have achieved.  Hearing some of our children sharing what they liked about the school; the comments just made me remember my childhood at Bethany. Just to share a few; " I feel loved and safe" " I can communicate well in English; I can even talk to our Volunteers from England". Looking at these children, I could just see that they have hope for the future and this is what Bethany is here for.  Bethany is growing each day and is in good hands. May God help us to continue serving this vision together”. 


These comments apply in equal measure to the Children’s Home which provides their basic needs comprising food, accommodation, clothing and medical as well as support services in terms of the infrastructure, for example water from Lake Victoria, solar power and the running of vehicles in such a remote area.


I was privileged to go to Bethany recently accompanied by 2 visitors who helped to improve the English spoken by pupils in our primary school. This is essential since secondary education is in English and to give them every chance of securing a job when they are adults. If you are aware of anyone who may be considering visiting Bethany, please get in touch and I would be happy to go through what is involved without any commitment.


Finally, I believe it is important to remember why these children came to Bethany in the first place and where they would be today if it was not for your love and support


Best wishes


DA Borland

David Borland OBE

Trustee and Treasurer
